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Andrea Ferenczi, president of the Association for Women’s Career Development in Hungary, board member of Older Women’s Network Europe has been invited by INPEA (International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse) and Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service to speak at their CSW59 side event to be organized at Fordham University. Thanks to the travel grant received from the Hungarian Initiative Foundation Andrea Ferenczi could accept the invitation and participated in the International Symposium organized by Fordham University Institute for Women & Girls under title “Looking Back, Looking Forward: Economic and Health Issues for Girls and Women of All Ages Around the World” - on the margins of the 59th Commission of the Status of Women.
At the event held on 14th March 2015 in New York at Fordham University Law School Andrea spoke about the Women’s Career for a Lifetime program of the AWCDH in her presentation titled “Older Women – The Unused Capital” and shared experiences as well as “facts and figures” regarding to Hungary and the EU.
From 9-20 March 2015, the 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women reviewed progress and remaining challenges in implementing the landmark Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, 20 years on. See more at: http://www.unwomen.org/en/csw/csw59-2015


Andrea Ferenczi, President of the Association for Women’s Career Development in Hungary (AWCDH) held a speech on 4 November 2014 at the Geneva NGO Forum Beijing +20 UNECE Regional Review within the frameworks of the roundtable titled Women and Ageing – Older Women Count held in the Palais des Nations. On the invitation of Silvia Perel-Levin (Switzerland, UN Rep., International Longevity Centre Global Alliance), convener of the roundtable AF spoke about the “Women’s Career for a Lifetime” Project of the AWCDH to empower Older Women in Decision Making and the Media. (The detailed version of the presentation is enclosed).
The participants of the NGO Forum had the opportunity to submit their recommendations during the event: Andrea Ferenczi emphasized the importance of older women’s inclusion in the life-long learning in harmony with the main messages of her presentation.
At the conference she met and discussed further cooperation possibilities with the representatives of the organizations Older Women Europe, International Longevity Centre, WHO, INPEA, Make Mothers Matter, WIZO and the University of Haifa / Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences.
Andrea Ferenczi was received by HE Dr. Zsuzsanna Horváth, Ambassador at the Permanent Mission of Hungary to the United Nations Office and Other International Organization in Geneva and introduced her the AWCDH, their UN contacts and their plans with special regard to the CSW59-Beijing+ 20 (2015).
AWCDH (founded in 2003) has been granted the opportunity to cooperate in the work of UN/ECOSOC as the first Hungarian NGO in “Special consultative status with UN-ECOSOC”, awarded in 2009. This recognition makes our cooperation in the field of European relations and global issues like gender equality, women’s rights and sustainability more effective than ever.



On 15 March 2014 the Association for Women’s Career Development in Hungary organized a working lunch with the Shanghai Women’s Federation at Hotel Rubin.
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UNDPI-NGO conference 'Sustainable Societies: Responsive Citizens' declared “success” Bonn, Germany: More than 1,400 people – grassroots representatives from over 70 countries – gathered in Bonn, Germany, from 3 to 5 September for the United Nations Department of Public Information/Non-Governmental Organization Annual Conference. The conference revolved around the theme of "Sustainable Societies, Responsive Citizens." The participants, representing 460 different NGOs, shared best practices, displayed their efforts in an exhibition hall, and forged documents that will be integrated into next year's Rio+20, the UN Conference on Environment and Development. (More information)

Andrea Ferenczi presented the honorable Annette Lantos with the "Award for Women's Equality" in the Hungarian Parliament on 30 June, 2011. Mrs. Lantos was awarded the Prize for her outstanding contribution to the cause of Women's Equality in 2009, which she could not receive in person then. In the picture, Annette Lantos can be seen in the middle, in the company of Andrea Ferenczi and Her Excellency April H. Foley, Ambassador of the US to Hungary (2006-2009). The recent meeting with Mrs. Lantos in Budapest was made possible due to her attendance at the opening ceremony of the Tom Lantos Institute.
Andrea Ferenczi participated in the WOMEN IN SCIENCE, INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY IN THE DIGITAL AGE Joint High-level Conference organized by the Hungarian EU Presidency and the European Commission DG INFSO at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest between 6- 8 March 2011. We would like to express our special thanks to Mrs. Éva Fábry, Director of the European Centre for Women and Technology (ECWT) for the opportunity to present our Association and to extend our invitation for the Best Workplace for Women 2010 Award, which drew significant interest in recent years. Within the framework of our Best Workplace for Women initiative, launched in 2007, a number of leading firms from the ICT sector have received this award, among them SAP and Microsoft, who participated in this event as exhibitors. The photo above was taken at the SAP stand, where you can see Neelie Kroes, vice chair of the European Commission, European Commissioner in charge of Digital Strategy, Professor Valéria Csépe, vice secretary general of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and Márk Arató representing SAP (First Prize in his hand), standing together with Andrea Ferenczi.
More information: Every Woman Digital!
Budapest International Women's Day Centenary Declaration 2011: http://www.womenandtechnology.eu/digitalcity/news/w_newsheading.jsp?dom=AAAB ECDQ&hir=BAAFKMKR&fmn=AAABDVVH&prt=AAABDUAV&men=AAABDVWD

Ms Bianka Kovács, member of the AWCDH, coordinator in our Representation in the Southern Transdanubian Region participated in the Workshop on Women's Development sponsored by the Taiwan ICDF (International Cooperation and Development Fund) between 4-17 November 2010. We wish to express our thanks to the Taipei Representative Office in Hungary, to Mr. Wellington W. C. Shih, Deputy Director of Secretariat Division for the great opportunity and honor given to the Association for women’s Career Development in Hungary!

Andrea Ferenczi president of AWCDH, board member of OWN Europe has been selected as member of the Employment and Active Ageing Expert Group of AGE Europe. Andrea thanks for her nomination to OWN Europe!
Terms of Reference for AGE Expert Groups
We congratulate Ms Judit Szöllősy, founding member and member of the board of the Association for Women’s Career Development in Hungary who has received a very special request.
Words without Borders has dedicated its special August issue to contemporary Hungarian literature – the first time the prestigeous American Internet-based magazine has featured the literature of one country. The issue, which was the initiative of its editorial director Susan Harris, was edited and translated by Judit Szöllősy (Sollosy). It features works by contemporary writers Virág Erdős, Péter Esterházy, János Háy, Mihály Kornis, Ervin Lázár, Lajos Parti Nagy, Magda Szécsi, Noémi Szécsi and Sándor Tar. The introductory essay was also written by Ms Szöllősy as guest editor.

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- The British Embassy in Hungary News

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PRESS RELEASE (21.05.2009)
Events organized as part of the Open Day of the National Assembly Committee on Employment and Labour between 11.00 am and 5.00 pm on 21 May 2009::
Venue: National Assembly, Hunters’ Room Date: 21 May 2009
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